
Ent.NEWS: Mr Eazi revealed reason why He love Hausa Language much

Ent.NEWS: Mr Eazi revealed reason why He love Hausa Language much
Ent.NEWS: Mr Eazi revealed reason why He love Hausa Language much

Global music star that’s representing Nigeria known as Mr Eazi exposed why he love Hausa language so much. This was found from his very recent tweets which are in Hausa language also.

Mr Eazi said “This Song make me love Hausa Language much”. As we all know, it’s few weeks back that Mr Eazi announced signing of first Hausa pop musician into Empawa Africa.

Namenj Latest video song ‘Rayuwata’ is one of the best reason why Mr Eazi revealed his much love to Hausa language, because Namenj Sing in a pure Hausa dialect and this make many people discover the beauty of the language.

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