
For Students: Boost Brainpower! NMC & UBEC Train Students in Mental Arithmetic

For Students: Boost Brainpower! NMC & UBEC Train Students in Mental Arithmetic. The National Mathematical Centre (NMC), in collaboration with the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), trained about 140 teachers and students in mental arithmetic to enhance their cognitive abilities.

The Director/Chief Executive of NMC, Prof. Promise Mebine, made this known at the closing ceremony of the training for Secondary Schools Mathematics Teachers of Basic Education on Thursday in Abuja.

Mebine said that the training, which would be extended to all the six geopolitical zones, was aimed at revolutionising mathematics education in schools.

He added that “the Mental Arithmetic Training, a groundbreaking initiative, is aimed at revolutionising mathematics education in our Junior Secondary Schools.

“The National Mathematical Centre, in collaboration with UBEC, embarked on a mission to introduce Mental Arithmetic into the core of our educational system, recognizing its indispensable role in shaping the minds of our youths.

“Mental Arithmetic, utilising tools such as the Chinese abacus, stimulates both the right and left brain, fostering holistic cognitive development, speed, and accuracy in calculation.”

He explained that by engaging in mental arithmetic, students develop the ability to perform complex calculations with speed and accuracy, without the conventional tools like calculators.

He also said that mental arithmetic promotes early development and interest in mathematics, targeting children aged six to 15 years, to lay a strong foundation for their early mathematical development and simultaneously kindling genuine interest in the subject.

Mebine said, “it builds brain activation and concentration: The mental visualisation of the abacus not only enhances computational skills but also strengthens concentration and activates untapped potential within the students.”

He, therefore, called for government support at all levels and spirited Nigerians to enable the centre to achieve its mandate toward ensuring quality teaching and learning of mathematics in the country.

Similarly, the Executive Secretary of UBEC, Dr. Hamid Bobboyi, while commending the leadership of NMC for the initiative, pledged the commission’s continued support toward moving the nation’s educational system forward.

Bobboyi, therefore, urged the participants to utilise the opportunity effectively and ensure they imparted the knowledge gained to others.

On his part, the acting Executive Chairman of FCT Universal Basic Education Board (UBEB), Dr. Alhassan Sule, said mental arithmetic is crucial in solving complex mathematics concepts.

Sule, who was represented by Mrs. Jacqueline Amasike, the Director of Teacher Professional Development, FCT UBEB, said, “it is very essential that students get a good foundation in arithmetic.”

On behalf of the students, Master Mansur Umar, a JSS 3 student of JSS Haji Camp, Gwagwalada, FCT, appreciated the organisers of the programme and promised to put the training into use.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the 100 participants are mathematics teachers and selected students across Junior Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory.




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