
New Training Schedule For NPC 2023 Census Enumerators/Supervisors

New Training Schedule For NPC 2023 Census Enumerators/Supervisors

New Training Schedule For NPC 2023 Census Enumerators/Supervisors. Recall that the State governorship and House of Assembly elections were moved from the 15th of March 2023 to the 18th of March 2023, which caused the NPC training for the Enumerators to be postponed.

Given the foregoing, a new NPC training schedule has been made available for those who applied to work as supervisors and enumerators for the National Population Commission.

SEE MORE: NPC New Training Timetable for ad hoc recruitment 2023

New NPC training Schedule

The following is the training schedule for Enumerators and supervisors:

  1. The First Phase of Supervisors and
    Enumerators Training (on House Numbering and House Listing) is from March 31 to April 6, 2023
  2. No training from April 7 to April 25, 2023
  3. The second Phase of Supervisors and Enumerators Training on Enumeration of Persons continue from April 26 to April 30, 2023.
  4. Census Eve Night is May 1st, 2023
  5. May 2 to May 7 is the population and housing Census Proper.
  6. May 8 to May 12 is Mop-Up Enumeration (in case of extra-large Enumeration Areas.


Additional information:

  • Before the training, all approved applicants will be contacted via text and email with details messages of their training l schedule as seen above.
  • There will be another documentation on the first week of training. ( There will be no payment for people that will miss it )
  • Make sure you know the venue for the training in your State and local
    government. And don’t forget to go to the training venue with your Android phones and power bank
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers will not be allowed to participate in the training exercise.
  • You will be required while at the
    training center to pay attention to what is being taught as your success depends on it.
  • Do not absent yourself from training because attendance will matter a lot. your name will be easily removed if you fail to attend training.
  • Training allowances are paid to the account you submitted.

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