Business & Markets

FAAC: Federation Account gains an additional N101.98 billion from weak naira in one month

FAAC: Federation Account gains an additional N101.98 billion from weak naira in one month

  • Naira’s pain, FAAC’s gain: How a weak currency boosted Nigeria’s coffers by N102 billion. (raises a question and sparks curiosity)
  • Unexpected turn: Nigeria’s Federation Account swells by N102 billion thanks to a sinking naira. (highlights the surprising nature of the development)

The Federation Account gained N364.87 billion from Exchange Difference revenue in November 2023, according to the recent communique from the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC). 

This is N101.98 billion more than the N262.89 billion it earned from this revenue source in October of the same year. 

It means that the unification of the country’s exchange rates has significantly increased government revenue from exchange difference, as the country struggles with naira devaluation. 

Sharing Formula 

Before an amount is shared between the three tiers of government, there are usually statutory deductions, such as 13% derivation and other charges and costs. 

After the deductions, the Federal Government gets 52.68%, State Government gets 26.72%, and Local Government gets 20.60% based on the current vertical allocation formula on the net federation account revenue distributable. 

However, out of the 52.68% of the Federal Government’s share, general ecological problems get 1%, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) gets 1%, Development of natural resources gets 1.68%, statutory stabilization gets 0.5%. The balance of 48.5% is for the Federal Government. 

Analysis of the communiques from FAAC shows that for October 2023, the N262.89 billion exchange difference revenue was shared as follows: 

  • “Federal Government received N93.323 billion, the States got N47.334 billion, the sum of N36.493 billion allocated to Local Government Councils, and N25.737 billion given to Derivation (13% of Mineral Revenue) while the sum of N60.000 billion was for Transfers, Intervention and Refunds.” 

For November 2023, it was shared as follows: 

  • “Federal Government received N175.817 billion, the States got N89.177 billion, the sum of N68.751 billion allocated to Local Government Councils, and N31.124 billion given for Derivation (13% of Mineral Revenue).” 

Based on the sharing formula, the Federal Government is the biggest beneficiary from this revenue source, getting a total of N269.14 billion in two months. 

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More Insight 

An exchange difference is a difference resulting from translating a given number of units of one currency into another currency at different exchange rates. 

About two weeks after President Bola Tinubu promised to unify the nation’s multiple exchange rates, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) decided to float the naira at the Investors and Exporters forex window. 

Since then, the naira had been rising and falling, hovering around N750/$ and N950/$.  

In a recent report by Comercio Partners Limited, it is stated that: 

  • “The Naira’s depreciation against the dollar, closing at N789.94/$1 in October 2023 and plummeting further by 19.26% to N942.12/$1 in November 2023, underscores the ongoing challenges within the nation’s FX market.” 

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) recently said that the unification of the country’s exchange rate would stimulate the growth of the securities market and attract foreign investments into the country. 

It also noted that the unification of the exchange rate would increase the government’s revenue in naira terms, which would result in a higher tax/revenue to GDP ratio. 

However, while the struggling currency has been beneficial to the Federal Government and banks, it has been harmful to many manufacturing companies in the country that have recorded significant FX losses in their financial statements. 


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