
Kano Airport Erupts in Protest as Max Air Flight Delayed for Hours

Kano Airport Erupts in Protest as Max Air Flight Delayed for Hours.

Infuriated passengers at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA), on Saturday, protested against Max Air over the abrupt delay of their Lagos-bound flight VM1645.

The scheduled 1:00pm departure was delayed without prior notification, leaving passengers stranded for nearly five hours.

The passengers expressed their displeasure over what they called Max Air’s recurring tendency to delay flights without adequate notice, emphasising that the lack of transparency in communication has become a pressing concern among travellers relying on the airline for their journeys.

Data obtained from the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) exposed Max Air’s notorious record of delays.

In July 2023, out of a total of 1,565 flights operated by the airline, a staggering 1,013 experienced delays, constituting 60 per cent of the overall delayed flights for that period.

As tempers flared at the airport, passengers voiced their grievances, demanding accountability from Max Air and urging authorities to address the recurring issue of unannounced delays.

Max Air was yet to respond to the development at press time.



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