
Beyond Politics: Gov Uba Focuses on Unity & Shared Prosperity in Kaduna

Beyond Politics: Gov Uba Focuses on Unity & Shared Prosperity in Kaduna. Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State reaffirmed his administration’s unwavering commitment to uniting the people of Kaduna regardless of political or religious affiliations. He made this declaration while attending the Kaduna Unity Carol of nine lessons organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Kaduna State chapter at the ECWA English Service church in Sabo, Chikun Local Government Area.

Addressing the multitude at the Carol service, Governor Uba stressed that the era of division along religious lines was over. He expressed his determination to end the trend of neglecting certain areas in the state while favouring others in terms of infrastructure development.

“As a Governor, I am here today because I was raised to embrace the spirit of Christmas. I am committed to serving all Kaduna residents, regardless of their religious beliefs. The era of religious division is behind us,” Governor Uba stated.

He emphasized his dedication to ensuring equitable development across all zones of Kaduna State, promising to commence road construction in Zone 3 soon after completing projects in Zones 1 and 2.

“In my oath of office, I pledged fairness and justice to all. Upholding these values is crucial for fostering peace and development in our state,” he asserted.

Acknowledging the warm reception from the Christian community, Governor Uba commended their support and sought prayers for the unity and progress of Kaduna State.

Kaduna State CAN Chairman, Rev. John Joseph Hayab, lauded Governor Uba for demonstrating a commitment to fairness and justice for all citizens, a departure from previous experiences. He urged Christians to pray for the success of the government and to remain obedient to its authority as guided by the scriptures.

In his message, themed “Essence of Christmas,” Rev. Joseph Dantata encouraged Christians to embody the spirit of love symbolized by the birth of Jesus Christ, urging reflection on the significance of the season.

Governor Uba’s pledge to foster unity and inclusive development in Kaduna has garnered positive responses, with hopes high for a more united and prosperous state under his leadership.



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