
List Of Federal Government Loans For 2023

List Of Federal Government Loans For 2023

List Of Federal Government Loans For 2023. Do you need a loan to start a small business or have you been searching for a loan opportunity? Would you like to participate and benefit from the federal government loan initiatives for youths, farmers, businessmen/women and households? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of questions above, then congratulations in advance. In this post, we will show you the complete list of federal government loans for 2023 , and how you can access each of them.

Kindly note that some loans are interest-free while some are of very low interest rate. The application process of all the government loans listed here is free.

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The government of Nigeria usually roll out loan opportunities for citizens to grow their businesses, which in turn would help to boost the economy of the country.

List of Federal Government Loans 2023

Below is the list of federal government and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) loan;

1. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) NIRSAL COVID-19 Loan

This is a government loan opportunity through CBN aimed at helping business owners and households in Nigeria to recover from the economic challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

2. NYSC CBN Loan

This loan has been in existing for a while. It’s a loan initiative for ex-corps members and corps members to enable them to start up a business so they won’t depend on white-collar job after their service year…

3. Nexit Loan

This is the Federal government loan for exited N-power beneficiaries. Through this scheme, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) disburse funds to exited volunteers of the Npower program who applied via the Nexit Portal


The Agric, Small and Medium Enterprise Scheme is an initiative of the Central Bank of Nigeria to help agricultural related businesses in Nigeria. Apply Here.

5. Npower GEEP loan

This loan was created for the outgoing N-power batch A and B beneficiaries to start up a business so they won’t go back to the street. Apply at click here.

6. NHF loan from Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria

The National Housing Fund (NHF) loan is a federal government initiative to facilitate the provision of affordable housing for Nigerians.

7. TraderMoni Loan

This free interest loan from the Federal government through the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP), was created specifically for Nigerian petty traders and artisans.

8. FarmerMoni loan

The Federal government in a bid to support and encourage petty farmers created this loan. This loan initiative is under the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP). You can apply via Bank of Industry website at

9. MarketMoni loan

MarketMoni is a part GEEP. It is a federal government loan initiative created to offer financial help to business men and women. This loan is very similar to TraderMoni loan. You can apply for this loan at

10. NYIF Loan

The Nigeria Youth Investment Fund
(NYIF) is a loan initiative from the federal government to finance the business ideas of our youths on order to reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. To apply for NYIF Loan.

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